Your permission applies to the following websites:
mainoslahde.fi, dabooking.fi, food4you.fi, e-myynti.fi

Cookie notice updated on 19.12.2021

MainosLähde Oy appreciates your interest about our company and your visit to our website. Your privacy is most important for us, and we want your visit to our website is safe.

We use cookies

We use cookies and similar third-party technologies on our website (hereinafter “cookies”). If we use cookies that are not absolutely necessary to enable the correct functions of our website, we ask for you to accept the use of these cookies. You can influence and disable the use of cookies at any time in the cookie settings of our website or by changing your browser settings. This leaflet provides detailed information on how to do this.

We can use cookies to collect, for example, the following information:

Usage and browsing data for the features of the homepage that have been displayed
Content page, server and network identifier from which the user has moved to our pages, device model, unique device and/or cookie identifier, tdata collection channel (internet and mobile browser, application), browser version, IP address, session identifier, session time and duration, and screen resolution and operating system.
Identifiers that identify the device or the user.
Location information, if the user has given permission for this.
Page browsing and search data and other data collected with the user’s consent.

As the controller, we do not, in principle, hand over the personal data of registered users to outsiders, except if the authorities require it by law, if required by mandatory legislation or to offer services to customers. In connection with the implementation of its services, the controller uses reliable service providers who, in accordance with the requirements of data protection legislation, can process personal data on behalf of the controller in order to implement these services.

In order for this website to work as well as possible, it saves small data files called cookies on your device from time to time. This is common practice on websites.

You can manage and/or delete cookies freely in the settings. Instructions can be found at aboutcookies.org. You can delete all cookies on your computer, and most browsers can be set to block them completely. However, remember that if you reject cookies, you will have to configure certain settings every time you return to the site. It may also be that you cannot use some of the services and functions on the site.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit a website. When we refer to cookies in this privacy statement, this also includes other similar technologies and tools that collect and store information about your browser and, in some cases, transfer such information to third parties in the same way as cookies. These include, for example, pixels, local storage, session storage and browser identification with a unique fingerprint.

Cookies collect information about your use of the website and store the information on your device, for example to help you log in to the website, to remember the contents of your shopping cart when you are in the online store, to track and analyze your visits to our website and your browsing behavior so that our website works or works more efficiently, etc.

Various cookies

Our website uses different types of cookies:

Session-specific cookies are stored on your device during the browser session. These session cookies expire at the end of the browser session (normally when the user exits the browser).

Persistent cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions, enabling your preferences or actions on a website (or in some cases across websites) to be remembered and persisted until you delete it yourself. This applies to local storage (logal storage).

Temporary cookies have a predetermined lifetime. Lifetime may vary depending on the cookie.

First-party cookies are cookies that MainosLähde has placed on our website itself. Third-party cookies are cookies that are set by someone other than the person responsible for the website, in this case our partner or another online service provider. These third-party cookies can be set on our website through the Chat service, social media plugins or news applications.

Third party cookies

We use third-party cookies on our website. We use external platforms for digital communication, including Facebook, Google Marketing Platform, Google Ads and Giosg. These platforms use both first-party and third-party cookies and similar technologies to advertise and track advertising results.

Many websites may use third-party cookies to understand and track how you browse different websites. MainosLähde receives information from these cookies, but the information can also be used for other purposes specified by third parties. Third-party cookies found on our website are subject to the privacy policies of that third party. In their data protection policies, you can get more information about what other purposes third parties can use the data for.

More information about third-party cookies used on our website is available in the cookie table attached to this privacy statement.

Cookies are used for the following purposes in our online service:

With the help of the Google Analytics service, we collect information about users so that we can produce better and more relevant content for users. You can find Google’s privacy policy at http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html

We use Facebook to target marketing and advertising. The user has the opportunity to influence the targeting of social media advertising from the privacy and advertising settings of the services in question. Facebook’s cookie policy can be found at https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

We use the Chatbot service to target contacts. The user has the opportunity to influence the targeting of contacts or contact persons through surveys. Chatbot’s cookie policy can be found at https://www.giosg.com/privacy-policy 

More information

MainosLähde Oy treats your privacy with care. You can always contact us at myynti@mainoslahde.fi if you have questions or concerns regarding data protection.

Our privacy policy regarding cookies may change in the future.

By using MainosLähde Oy’s websites with a browser with cookies enabled, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy.

If you wish, you can prevent or deny the storage of cookies through the cookie setting, browser or other application setting. Denying certain cookies can affect the functionality and user experience of our online service.